Sun, Snow, Skate, & Surf Clothing and Accessories
Welcome to Fun In The Sun, your one stop shop for all your branded skate, surf and board clothing and accessories. At Fun In The Sun, our aim is to sell you surf, skate and board clothing at wholesale prices! Every season our buyers search North America for left over seasonal stock, overages, samples, bankruptcies, whatever awesome branded clothing we can find that we can bring back and offer to you at 50% off retail prices!
We guarantee to carry all the top brands, you never know what you might find in our shop...
Find our store in Kitsilano
- address: 2835 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, B. C. , V6K 1R3
- telephone: 604-738-9798
- email: [email protected]
Find our store in Edgemont
- address: 3034 Edgemont Boulevard, North Vancouver
- telephone: 604-988-8792
- email: [email protected]
Store Hours:
- 10:00 - 6:00 Monday through Saturday
- 11:00 - 5:00 Sunday and Holidays